
Owen Sound Man Arrested After Setting Mattress Ablaze

On Thursday May 5 th , 2016 at approximately 11:00 pm the Owen Sound Fire Department and city Police responded to a fire in the 300 block of 12 th Street East, Owen Sound. Fire Fighters were first alerted of the fire by a neighbour / complainant banging on the door to the fire station as the fire was in close proximity, across the street to the station. By the extent of smoke and flames emerging emergency personnel responded to what they believe was a structure fire. Once on scene it was quickly determined that this wasn’t the case.

A 32 year old occupant of the residence had decided to enter into the room of another boarder in the home while he was away. He then dragged this boarder’s mattress and box spring to the rear yard and setting fire to them. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished by the fire department before it spread to any structure or other property in a very congested back yard.

The culprit was arrested by police at the scene without incident. He has been held in custody charged with break and enter, arson as well as mischief to property and is to appear this morning for a bail hearing.

No one was injured in the incident.

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