
North Huronians Rise Up Over Horrid Road Conditions That Cost Jobs, Tourists, Damage Vehicles and Endanger Safety

North Huronians are once again heroically taking a stand against the deplorable condition of roads in North Huron. Just like our paved surfaces in Wingham, roads in East-Wawanosh are left to crumble to the point where they are safety hazards. A signed petition is included in the Agenda Package for the 18April2016 council meeting.

In Wingham most drivers avoid sections of Centre and Edward streets for fear of vehicle damage. The same is true in East-Wawanosh as people avoid Nature Centre. The director of public works, kelly church, is responsible for the dilapidated condition of our roads and having zero reserves. Having no reserves should scare the living hell out of all North Huron Residents.

In East-Wawanosh pot holes in gravel surfaces never disappear due to improper grading. There are numerous reports of the grader operator going too fast, not grading down to the bottom the pothole and doing it when the road is too wet. This has resulted in buses going off the roads, loss of tourists and anglers to Hedley’s Trout Pond, etc etc.

Potholes in Wingham are filled by tossing some cold patch in the hole. That’s it. No cleaning out of the hole, no packing, no tamping/packing, not even driving over it with the pickup truck they are in. This is a result of “no standards” kelly church never being held to account.

Current director of public works, kelly church, should resign immediately. If he doesn’t resign, Council should publicly dress down kelly church for his mass failings that put Taxpayers lives at risk on a daily basis. This dressing down should be so severe, kelly should be left standing in a puddle of his own making.

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