
North Huron Reeve Candidate Steve Hill Responds To Newspaper’s Questions

The following questions are from The Citizen.

Your political experience

I attend North Huron Council meetings regularly, and have only
missed a couple of meetings in the last 4 years.  I believe I
have an excellent understanding of how the Corporation of North
Huron currently functions.  In my platform I have outlined the
changes I believe are necessary for change in North Huron to
increase Public input, transparency and accountability. I have an
Honours Diploma in Business Administration and Computer Accounting
from Park Business College, along with several years construction
experience and over 15 years of property management
experience.  I have written a fully integrated accounting
solution, patched and replaced leaky roofs, repaired plumbing and
written search engine software.  Experiences I believe I can
draw on if the People of North Huron entrust me with the position of
Reeve.  I believe the Corporation of North Huron can be fixed
and spending brought under control, a task many of the Public
currently believe is impossible.  As indicated in my platform,
if elected I will not accept compensation, provided those funds are
directed to area service groups.

What you feel are the important issues facing your community

Public input at Council meetings is limited.

Lack of transparency.

Pedestrian safety.

Infrastructure deficit.

Relationship with our Municipal neighbors.

Infrastructure not up to current standards.

Lack of fire suppression systems in our facilities.

Not enough is being done to encourage and facilitate volunteerism.

High property taxes.

Unfair water/sewer billing.

Policing costs.

Decisions are being made heavily influenced by ego and emotion.

Your involvement with community organizations

Which organizations I am involved with is not relevant.  I hope
the Public will vote based on the issues, and for who they think
will fight for the change North Huron needs.  If elected Reeve,
I will encourage all community groups to share their resources with
each other, and fund them with the monies that would normally be
paid to the Reeve.  Your subsequent photo request is also
denied based on irrelevance.

Your goals, if elected

To make the Corporation of North Huron 100% transparent.

Restore the People’s right to confront and question Council, and
strongly encourage their input.

Have all sidewalks & trails in North Huron cleared or groomed to
allow winter use.

Cease all non-essential spending.

Have the water/sewer billed fairly on a cost recovery basis,
including our Municipal neighbors.

Help make North Huron the safest place in Ontario to raise a family.


North Huron Reeve Candidate Steve Hill’s Platform For 27Oct2014

Reeve For Free

If the People select me to Represent them, I will fight for the
changes I have outlined below, and I will do so without
compensation.  Provided the funds that would normally be paid
to the Reeve are directed to a fund similar to the existing council
contingency fund”.  These funds would given to local charities

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