
Budget Crisis – Councillor(s) Starting To Defend Community Against Department Heads, You Can Too

Our Community is in ruins and there is no hope on the immediate horizon. Our options are a 50% tax hike and/or massive changes in the way North Huron operates. Obviously we would prefer a change in operations instead of a 3% tax rate which would mean taxes on a $99,000 home would $3000/year.

One of the first steps toward change is for council to realize and utilize the power they were entrusted with. They are literally paid to hold senior management to account and to ensure the future financial integrity of our Municipality.

Several councillors apparently are prepared to block the 2016 budget unless things start to change. Hopefully these rumors are true, and the Public shows up to the 18April 6pm meeting to support the councillors that want things fixed.

Calling or emailing your councillor isn’t enough. When a councillor takes a stand, there needs to a large Public Gallery there to support him, and show the rest of council that the Public does care, and will stand with councillors that are brave enough to defend our Community.

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