
Wingham Exodus Continues As Property Values Drop 10%/year

Several concerned readers have contacted WFP regarding large drops in their property assessments. Concerned that this was an error and not a “market fluctuation”, WFP contacted town hall, reeve vincent, and MPAC regarding a 40% drop in assessment since 2012.

Unapologetically Town Hall stated that this was a “market fluctuation”, not an error. That means you can literally lose 10% a year on your Wingham real estate investment. Sucks if you were planning on using that equity for retirement, renovations or your children’s education.

Across Ontario property values have gone up 18% since 2012, not a bad investment! That means you would have been better off buying a home anywhere else in Ontario compared to Wingham, and you would save thousands a year in property taxes.

Property values continue to plummet in Wingham, while reeve vincent brags about his 5 farms worth over a million each that are skyrockeing in value every year. Simply put, he doesn’t give a shit about Wingham and that’s why it has been left to rot. (Howson Dam, collapsing storm drains, falling stop lights, leaky roofs, etc etc.)

If you think your property assessment is too high, you have to fill out a Request For Reconsideration (RFR) from MPAC immediately. Click here for the form on MPAC’s site.

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