
The August Atrocities – Proof There Is Something Horribly Wrong With North Huron

Once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit. Now those who object or are critical of our municipal government are stripped of their dignity, humiliated, arrested, cuffed and charged without cause. If you try to video record the arrest, you too will be arrested. That is life under Reeve Neil Vincent’s regime, and what happened 22Aug2016.

WFP has obtained evidence a councillor and a town staffer lied to police in order to facilitate/instigate the arrests/expulsions at the 22Aug2016 North Huron council meeting.

Those lies amount to a breach of the Public’s Trust, and the most grotesque abuse of power in North Huron’s history.

It is a fact that it is unconstitutional to remove/ban someone from a open council meeting without cause. RE: Bracken vs Municipality of Niagara

NOTE: The charges against the Public/Press Gallery were simple to beat in court due to the fact no laws were broken, which could be proven thanks to the excellent work of Wingham Copwatch.

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