
Snow Squall Warning For Wingham And Blyth – 15cm Snow, 80km Winds

11:23 AM EST Sunday 20 November 2016

Snow squall warning in effect for:

Wingham – Blyth – Northern Huron County

Snow squalls are expected. Under the snow squall bands, visibilities will be significantly reduced due to the heavy snow combined with blowing snow, and snow will quickly accumulate.

Local snowfall amounts of 10 to 15 cm within 12 hours are possible in heaviest snow squalls today and tonight.

Snow squalls have developed over Lake Huron and are extending inland over parts of Southwestern Ontario. Strong northwest winds with gusts up to 70 or 80 km/h will also accompany these snow squalls resulting in near zero visibility in blowing snow.

Outside of the stronger snow bands, snowfall amounts will be lighter. However, some roads may be quite icy at times.

The squalls will gradually weaken on Monday.

Snow squalls cause weather conditions to vary considerably; changes from clear skies to heavy snow within just a few kilometres are common. If visibility is reduced while driving, turn on your lights and maintain a safe following distance. Rapidly accumulating snow could make travel difficult over some locations.

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