
New Landlord Group Formed For Mutual Protection And Support

Landlords greatly influence who lives in our community, as 30% of the population rents. Recently landlords received a phone call form a concerned citizen, warning that a couple sex offenders were planning on moving to Wingham. This citizen spent a day of his own time, tracking down as many landlords as he could in an attempt to protect our community.

All of North Huron’s residential properties are assessed at approximately $260,000,000. This means area landlords represent approximately $78 Million worth of investment in our community. Landlords need to unite and start communicating with each other, so they can protect their investments and our community. They need to share knowledge, tips and be honest when a landlord does a reference check. Some landlords have been accused of give glowing references for bad tenants, in the hopes of pawning them off on someone else.

We are currently putting together a Landlord Handbook” that contains tips on how to deal with tenants on social assistance

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