
Is Hitchhiking Legal In Ontario?

(PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY) With The summer weather creeping in, visitors to Prince Edward County are on the rise. The Prince Edward County (PEC) detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are urging people to stay safe and be vigilant when picking up hitchhikers this summer.

Section 177(1) of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) states that no person, while on a roadway, shall solicit a ride from the driver of a motor vehicle other than a public passenger conveyance (i.e. taxi or bus). If caught a $65.00 fine could be issued.

The safety risk goes both ways when it comes to hitchhiking. A driver deciding to pick up a hitchhiker is unaware of what issues that hitchhiker may have, or what reason they may have for hitchhiking at that point in time. Vice versa, the hitchhiker is unaware of who the driver is or what intentions they have for stopping and picking them up. As a driver, picking up a hitchhiker comes down to personal judgment and trusting that gut feeling or vibe. There is nothing wrong with deciding not to stop, or passing right by that hitchhiker enroute to your own destination.

PEC OPP want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable summer in the County. If a driver does come across an individual or group hitchhiking while in the County, please allow plenty of space and be aware of your surroundings.

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