
Community Partners Working Together to Keep Children Safe on Halloween

(HURON COUNTY, ON) – A Halloween pedestrian safety initiative will be benefitting nearly 1500 Huron County elementary school aged children this upcoming weekend. Huron County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) along with community partners from Victim Services of Huron County and the Coalition for Huron Injury Prevention (CHIP) are once again bringing “Project Safe Halloween” to Huron County. 2015 marks the third consecutive year for “Project Safe Halloween”.

The C.H.I.P committee was successful in securing funding to purchase lime green reflective arm bands for each student that attends the following elementary schools (Huron Christian School, Clinton Public School, St. Joseph’s Elementary, Bluewater Coast Elementary, Huron Centennial Elementary & St. Boniface Elementary).

In addition to distributing the reflective “arm bands” to each student, every student will be taking home a Halloween themed Safety Tip Sheet that parents can use to guide conversations with their children. Huron OPP will also be providing Halloween Safety presentations at of some of the schools.

Parents and children are reminded of the following safety tips for safe trick or treating:

· Be Safe, BeSeen! Wear a reflective band, glow stick, use a flashlight and add reflective tape to your treat bag and costume.

· Always travel in groups, make sure there are at least two or more people with you at all times.

· Plan your route before you leave your house and ensure your parents know where you are going. Take a cell phone with you.

· Don’t visit a home that is not well lit up, and NEVER go inside a stranger’s home.

· Walk on the sidewalk whenever it is possible. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the side of the road facing traffic.

· Always look both ways for traffic before crossing the street.

· Do not criss-cross back and forth across the street. Work your way down one side of the street, then start on the other.

· Avoid eating unwrapped candy and homemade treats from strangers.

Huron OPP is reminding drivers to be extra cautious on Halloween night. Be prepared for that little child that may dart out in front of your vehicle.

Huron OPP officers will be closely monitoring vehicle speeds, seatbelt usage, distracted driving and sober driving. Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (R.I.D.E) programs will also be stationed throughout Huron County this Halloween weekend.

Please devote your full attention to driving safely so everyone can have a safe and enjoyable Halloween.

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