
Bashback – WFP Responds To Vodden’s Bashing

Response to: North Huron Councillor Brock Vodden Bashes WFP and Defends Campbell’s Reid Road Assessment

Mr. Vodden, did you take the time to drive down Reid road to see for yourself? I really doubt you did. If you went today, you probably did not find any evidence of mud tracked onto the road, that’s how little there is/was. If you did take the time to go and see, you would have noticed the pot holes. Since you are so concerned about driving hazards, why didn’t you mention them?

Were you too lazy to drive down Reid road, or do lack the ability to spot driving hazards while you are driving?

No wonder we have the highest tax rate in Ontario, when you and your Council buddies, let department heads control what you say, do, and how much you spend. The blind faith council has in our department heads, is partially responsible for Wingham’s sorry state. I have met people like you before, stubborn and void of objectivity. Typically they are pubescent males, or the prejudicial elderly who are set in their ways.

If you did not drive down Reid road this week, then you are not qualified to offer an opinion on the condition of the road. I am sure if you drove down the road, you would have mentioned it, or the potholes. If you didn’t drive Reid road, then there are certainly “some gaps in YOUR knowledge.” Actually, it would be wilful ignorance.

At least this time you didn’t go on the radio and raise a panic about the horrid condition of the road, because a “colleague” said something. Some thought you had learned your lesson when you went on the radio and made fool of yourself, when Steve Howe debunked everything you were trying to cause a panic about. You could have spent a few seconds to call the school board, but apparently you were too lazy to do that. It seems you still lack the motivation to do your job properly. You jump to conclusions on hearsay, and will stubbornly stick to your delusions, even when presented with facts to the contrary. When you are proven wrong, you try to defame those that confronted your delusions.

You do not need an “amazing array of knowledge and expertise” to see if there is mud on a road. This can be done by anyone who doesn’t suffer from a vision impairment. If you think $3,000 to $4,000 to clean up the alleged hazard was a good deal, then you should be relieved of your power to spend taxpayer’s money.

WFP would like to encourage everyone to drive Reid road, and try to spot a mud hazard that would cost $4,000 of taxpayer money to clean up. It is a beautiful night for a drive. If you see a farmer in the field, working late to ensure we have food to eat year round, feel free to stop your car. Get out and yell at the farmer, and demand that he wash his tires off every time he leaves the field.

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