
Bad Boy Bailey Gets Gag Order From Neil Vincent & Councillors

At last night’s poorly attended council meeting, virtually all of
council apologized for NOT STOPPING Bernie Bailey from speaking at the
last Town Hall meeting. Mr. Bailey asked council what he had said that
was at issue, but the topic was so sensitive that an “in camera
session” was required to discuss it. Litigation seemed to be a major
concern of the council members.  Mr. Bailey has been ordered not
to speak with any town employees/staff until a code of conduct” by-law
is passed.  We are still trying to locate a bylaw or regulation
that gives the Mayor/Reeve the power to silence a member of the elected
council.  If any of our readers are aware of such a law/regulation
please email [email protected]
with details and a supporting URL if available.

One councillor at the meeting expressed his shock that the roof at the
North Huron Day Care Facility had not already been fixed.  This
problem has apparently been an issue for several months.  Pat
Newson stated that she “was busy” doing budget stuff and only started
working on this problem about a month ago.

Previously we published several quotes from his speech at: 
We now have a copy of the entire speech.  The one that made
council apologize to
the public and town staff for letting Bernie Bailey complete his speech

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