Area OPP Police Press Releases

Cyclist Killed – MILLER Facing Criminal Code Charge

(ST. CLAIR TWP, ON) – On August 22, 2020 at approximately 10:00 a.m. the Lambton Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and Lambton Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and St. Clair Fire Department attended Petrolia Line, St. Clair Township in relation to a fatal motor vehicle collision involving a bicycle and a motor vehicle.  

Melissa MILLER, 38 year old of St. Clair TWP, was arrested and charged with Dangerous Operation Causing Death, pursuant to the Criminal Code.  

The accused is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice-Sarnia on January 11, 2021.   

25 replies on “Cyclist Killed – MILLER Facing Criminal Code Charge”

please tell me the police still have the idiot in custody.

it’s sad alot of Scottish people caught drinking and driving why!!
young old stupid people why.
5 to 10 per week Scott’s oldest stop drinking and get a life.
biggest export of Scotland!
guess u got it scotch whiskey.
thanks Scott’s for screwing up our people with ur man made booze thanks.
the germans same booze hounds people wake up.
beware of Scottish people and cars and same with the germs.

people wake up stop the drunks worst drug is the man made poison. but the elites allow it fir money and deaths stip feeding the booze machine save ur own life and and that if others. boycott the booze stores getms and Scott’s. stop killing innocent people man made drinking assholes. have another drink and March to the lake and get off our planet. Canada u have a booze problem and racist problem fix it. dont let the drunks win

sorry to all that’s the best u can do wow nice.
dont worry about me worry about the drunks. are u ok
Hail the booze please lower the drinking age too.
19 for can a duh 21 for the states are u people ok!
yep I’m a Canadian born raised here seen how booze has ruined families people deaths bullying and on thanks man made poison.
there’s 4 races who push booze can u name them. no booze no problems but then those 4 races will moonshine and bootleg it anyways so there u go.
First addiction is what!!!!
Pot right.

To address the police report on this issue!

why is this report vague in substance please OPP

people are on me for bringing up booze. what is it then officer opp!
let us know the infraction so others don’t do it that’s fair isn’t.
But nope vague leave everyone hanging.
if it wasn’t booze meth or a drunk what was it then. she shot him.
what was it. she flashed the driver. police why are u vague on this reporting please. She’s bad because she screwed up some code what code!
there has been no defunding for the police so why do the public get defunding reporting.
For the record ladies and gentlemen. Hitler and the nazis invented meth go after them. fact check please. yep hitler and the retards were on meth like huron county is!! when will people wake up please.
Ba ba ba white sheep.
I know shut up and have a drink.
Nope no sugar no booze or townhall water allowed in this body this body is not lame!
by the way I’m a 63 senior who loves to ride bike is that ok with u so called humans!
I seen and heard of many cyclists going down over retarded drivers.
thanks idiots!

one other thing if this is the kind of content the public has to deal with. like being vague on these charges! it’s best this site no longer exists then.
why if the public are getting a dis service then why bother.
to play with them!
there’s no more trillium award in huron county no neighborhood watch nothing. why.

I’m from the city and the rednecks here always beek off about the city folk.
but guess what huronites!
it takes wise peoples from the city’s to help the counties along.
but the racists drunks call them outsiders and tell them to shut up or make false accusations against them its said.
again that old boozestein attitude.
the communities are divided from the booze clicks while the meth heads rob them blind!
it’s sad. the seniors are on pills booze caffeine and drive yet.
while a dog is barking from their laps yeah! Sorry officer! That’s all they say while a human is under their tires!! This us your huron county. were political idiots are just that old drunks playing wannabe politics ruining it for others yeah!
while the opp.write up vague reports wow!

here’s one for the opp at a ride program please have the officers go to the car wearing a mask please.
I got stopped twice.
not 1 cop wore a mask.but I beeked off about it!
I said u can be a carrier u can u can and I can they didn’t know what to do or say. I wonder why.
funny they had no vaccine shots a free virus ticket to show either.

when they seen me the second time they waved me through.
see how crap works.

people the booze is here to stay it’s sad but true.
and guess what so is the meth.
your buddy from stratford the master maker sold copies of his recipe to many others so guess what. huron county enjoy your booze meth environment.

it’s time to slow down the booze people bring the community together without booze is best.

in the cities they don’t eat meat drink smoke or play hockey.
some don’t most don’t.
their on top of their game.
Here in rural ontario it’s like living on a indian reserve it’s sad run by trailer park idiots!

take it from there trailer park still while the cities move on without them I wonder why.
Tent cities and food shortage is coming! now what huron and opp!

one other opp

if she killed that human is she in custody. We see not to many go to holding anymore even though clinton got a nice new large building.
she killed! then sorry the cell she goes. bail maybe ur report is vague again why!!!

I take it the city folks dont care at all for you either … or you wouldn’t be so needy of attention from Winghamites or Huron county in general. Now go find your pathetic form of entertainment elsewhere…b4 our “Church” meeting ends on Tuesday.

dude ur sick get a life
no brains no gains.
have a toke smoke ur meth do ur pill drink ur booze.
no huronite is clean none.
the booze and style dictates rednecks with no brains try again. ur the type that watches trailer park retards.
lolo ah ha ah lol.
any other smart ass out there that dont see the point just the negatives. that’s because its rural ontario with the germs Scott’s Irish and britts all drinkers and murderers yeah.
This is your Can a duh drunks hockeys sticks racists idiots.
yeah ryan o’reilly truck through Tim’s hockey player drunk yeah he had piss on his pants.
and ford leave for all Canadian drunks while virus invades ontario yeah drunks.
see the pattern here Canadians are liars drunks and racists yeah.
start drinking at 12 please.
by the way heres a stat.
pot sales drop booze Canadian drunks feed more to the germ scotch booze machine.
there’s ur proof more drunks then people who wish to smoke.
first christmas tree in a house who started that. then the credit card to put under the tree big pharma ur bankers.
All germs German hey drunks wake up! stop feeding into the booze machine stick heads!
Duh let’s drive trucks through Tim’s yeah! then get rewarded with a cup only in drunken canada!!!!!! Grammer ur worrying about gram when u watch trailer trash yeah! have another drink.
any other debates!
wake up fools!
hey rich ur so lazy u dont know how to ride a bike a challenge my bike and yours. name the distance and kets see who has the truth u idiots!

Listen asshole…get the hell outta “dodge” fella…cause if you repeat the word “retard” one more time…I PROMISE, as a proud sister of not 1 but 3 members of Community Living, Ive got a few freinds coming for a visit. You understand me there boy!

3 family members in community living?!? I guess someone pee’d in that gene pool. Too much inbreeding in Wingham as demonstrated by your confession. You expect everyone to subsidize their lives and show respect for the inbreeds. Offering a reward (ODSP for life) for inbreeding is offensive to the rest of us. Traditionally inbreeding is only acceptable for Royalty and Mennonites.

No one wants to see them on Josephine St when they drive through town. No one wants to see them while they are trying to eat, that’s one reason BIA wants to shut down that coffee shop that caters to them.

The inbreeds are okay for mopping and scrubbing floors or washing windows. We are not all equal, once you are grown up enough to accept that you will have a happier life under your rock.

Violence is another trait which you have seemed to have acquired.

I seem the entertainment while u retards try ur entrapment.
wont work as u can say by the statements.
but the truth got out huron
sorry for u idiots too see ur counties! truths.
And what lies ahead for the outsiders. If u cops can only come up with idiot and piss pants then u people do have a problem.
it’s best the site goes down.
why pay some rookie cop to monitor WFP!
And try their luck.
other stuff like full reporting would be nice officers of the what entrapment squad!
I spoke out about the right issues and stood for the death of.
but u huron retards are just that stupid nasty crusty idiots.
No Brains.
if it’s the mission of this website to be what entrapment and vague then no. why waste money on rookis to monitor crap!
You guys got stupid when I tried the open with bad police reporting.
and bingo here u are.
people if u have a desk top then ur a complete idiot.
enjoy ur addictions no worries no more entertaining Daniel for the crusties!
Be safe and happy happy.
I still will take that bike challenge though I own 3 worth more then ur car or truck! enjoy.
All have a drink on me lol lol ah ha ha ah.
still the same old stupid WFP!
worse now the cops run it!

I have a idiot question ladies and gentlemen.
My hunch is that there is 3 rookie cops who monitor this site or sites!
Is this True
I can tell! u guys are not all that wise are u!
bigger budget we see or is attempting to get 1
survey says!
Is this a pat ur own back site.
as far as grammer and spelling blame that on the phones and proof read nope I dont believe in desktops or laptops only fools do! so there we go. All be safe and A Great New Year to All.
u too Daniel All be Good now
I know lol lol ah ha

Threats, really! Clearly you are retarded if you think threats aren’t illegal. Let me guess you work for North Huron and spend your days gargling counilor’s jizz and swallowing whatever they tell you to. You gotta be a retard if you think you are the only one of your siblings that isn’t retarded. Sorry if you are the last to know about your condition. Fucking mooch, get a job and support your family! Why do we have to pay for your parent’s incest babies?

Please, wont’ someone respond to me? I am sad, pathetic and need to troll the internet in the hopes someone, somewhere will respond to me. I will name call, proudly display the racism my hot sexy mom passed on to me growing up. She had the firmest tits despite me breast feeding until I was done grade 8 (18 years old), it was valuable bonding time, my sister-wife agrees. Please anyone take the bait and interact with me.

Massively Depressed Geezer

Actually, I am still breast feeding, you should try it sometime, and my sister is a wonderful wife, thanks for the compliments, it is much appreciated. Best regards…MDG,, also known as the voice of the WFP, (bows to his many fans)

I’m not looking for, wanting to,maybe try,much much later to have anything to do with breast feeding, holding, comparing,looking or licking, My beef is the new totally user useless, crappily un-navigational ill-conceived outa wedlock, badly pharmaceutical profloastic planned format, It is beyond insulting in comparison to the other WONDERFUL format, please bring it back an lose this loser format

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