Alerts WFP

Convoy Of Huron Heroes Restoring Hope

Last Saturday a convoy in support of the Truckers in Ottawa went through Huron County waving flags, blaring horns, yelling FREEDOM and displaying signs. Around 3pm the convoy entered Wingham and lasted over 40 minutes. Some students were out cheering with business owners, rights activists and other Citizens. 

The convoy is planning something similar for this Saturday. Please check out Huron County Freedom Convoy Support Ottawa for up-to-date information. Please consider joining the convoy or showing up for support. You are almost guaranteed to meet some of the nicest humans Canada has to offer.

While this convoy was ignored by legacy media, and the Truckers probably never even heard about it, it’s impact was immeasurable to the revolution. Some participants may even believe it was pointless going for a drive and honking horns, they would be wrong. 

This Convoy/Patriot Parade left countless people weeping in the streets, a side effect of Hope returning to the body. The Hope that everyone will be treated equally as prescribed by the Charter of Rights. The Hope that governments will stop dividing the Nation and that families and friends will be united and healed. The hope our children and grandchildren will see the growing smiles of their friends when they approach each other, culminating with a hug. The Hope segregation will end and never blight our Land again.

Below is a video of the convoy passing Buck & Jo’s. Most of the stoplight breaks have been removed. Please consider joining in this Saturday.

Buck & Jo’s is closed to prepare for anti-segregation trial and trip to Ottawa.

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