
The Public Has Lost Confidence In Reeve Neil Vincent

Under the “leadership” of Reeve Neil Vincent, Democracy has failed in North Huron.
Councillors continue to vote they way they want, and not the way their constituents demand. This was painfully obvious at the last council meeting when Brock Vodden voted against a donation for Auburn’s playground equipment, out of pure spite. Vodden made it clear that it HIS decision was based on the way he felt NH was mistreated by another Municipality. His vote was not based on input from the public nor with the best interest of our Municipality’s children in mind.

This lack of accountability, transparency & public input, has devastated North Huron over the last decade. Council continues to make decisions, and only informs the public after the fact. The trailer park fiasco is just one example of this. This abuse of power is demonstrated in the agenda for council meetings. Council currently makes decisions during meetings, and refuses to allow the public to debate these issues until the end of the meeting. Most issues are already voted and passed during the meeting, before the public is even allowed to ask questions or offer input.

This was painfully demonstrated at one recent council meeting, when a gentleman wished to address council about garbage fees. By the time he was allowed to speak, the council already decided the issue. The gentleman delivered his comments, even though Neil Vincent stated it was too late, as the motion to alter fees had already passed. The conventional media were laughing nervously as they witnessed the failure of democracy unfold a few meters in front of them.

Council has refused to allow public questions before each motion is voted on. Virtually all municipalities allow this, and have it posted in their agendas. Reeve Vincent said they would consider it, and it would be many months away before any changes would be made, if any.

Reeve, Neil Vincent still has not provided Councillor Bernie Bailey the documentation that he has requested concerning the “limiting” of his speech. Bailey has asked repeatedly and still has made no progress over the last 80 days in getting answers from our current Reeve.

One simple step that would make council more accountable, is the recording of Council meetings. Requests to record/broadcast have been delivered to council via radio, in person, email and at Council meetings. Council has refused to do so, even though at the end of every council meeting there is an “in camera” session, so we obviously have the resources and ability. Many other municipalities broadcast their council meetings on their community cable channel, and have been doing so for many years.

Neil Vincent has failed to bring North Huron’s spending under control, mainly because he has not commanded the respect of his Councillors, Department Heads or the public. North Huron needs strong leadership if we want to bring Wingham back to it’s former glory. Neil Vincent has demonstrated that he lacks leadership skills required run a corporation, even one as small as North Huron. Neil Vincent still states that the trailer park makes a profit, despite the fact Pat Newson stated there are $17,000 in admin expenses not listed in the budget for the park. These accounting issues have not been fixed. Our current Reeve should have demanded that the accounting be immediately reconciled.

Too many people have been asleep at the wheel over the last decade. This includes Vincent, Councillors, the public and the conventional media. Our demise has been a result of everyone’s lack of interest. Our rise out of the gutter is dependant on citizens taking the proactive step of attending regular council meetings and demanding change.

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