
Occurrence Type: Theft Under, Possession Under

Occurrence #: BA14023533
Date: Saturday, May 24, 2014 – 5:00pm
On Saturday May 24, 2014 at approximately 5 pm the Barrie Police Service received information from the loss prevention staff from SEARS that a male and female had attended the store and stolen a large screen television and were placing it inside a vehicle.

Officers were provided a description of the suspects and the licence plate of the vehicle involved.

Officers located the vehicle at a Cundles Rd East address, the police were provided information that the suspects had just entered the residence and were carrying a large cardboard box.

The suspects refused to answer the door for the police, officers took up surveillance on the residence while a warrant was obtained.

A short time later a 32 year old male and a 27 year old female were arrested and charged with Theft Under and Possession Under.

The stolen television was located inside the residence.

Both parties were released with a future court date and a number of conditions to abide by.

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