
Hooking East-Wawanosh Barns And Homes To Sewers & Running Water Will Put Money In Farmers Pockets #StopTheStench #NoBrainer #Knott4Reeve2018

Most of you may be revolted to find out that most farms in the area are not hooked up to the Municipal water and sewer system. It is unconscionable in 2018 that our entire community doesn’t have access to clean running water and sewers for sanitary disposal of all animal and human waste.

Once all the barns are hooked up to North Huron’s sewer system there will be no need for our rubber booted farmers to smear and spray animal feces over their land and their monoculture crops that destroy bees, ecosystems and our environment.

Many theatre goers in Blyth vomit or dry-heave once they get a whiff of the manure that is constantly spread in the fields around Blyth. Humid days are the worst for vomit pools on main street as the stench of pig manure and fresh vomit creates a chain reaction of even more vomiting. Hooking all barns up to the sewer system would eliminate this completely.

It would cost less than $125,000/farm to civilize them with clean running water and sewers (plus min monthly fee of $70). This could easily be added to their property tax bills giving them up to 2 years to pay before North Huron sells off their farm for non-payment in full. There is no real cost to the farmers as their property values are predicted to go up more than the cost of upgrade to running water and sewers. When you also calculate in that their multi-million dollar farms go up in value 15+%/year and they have never contributed to our community by paying a water and sewer bill, it’s a no-brainer this upgrade is long overdue.

Auto-Flush systems in livestock barns will ensure all feces enters the sewer system reducing farm ouders by 99% and eliminating the need for farmers to store manure in tanks or piles like in the 1700’s. When they come to Blyth they will have virtually zero manure left on their boots once they are trained on using running water and in basic hygiene. If you have ever been stuck in line behind a farmer with “pig stink” on their clothes you know what I am talking about.


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