
Emergency Preparedness Week: May 1 to 7

The Walkerton Fire Department would like to remind the residents of Brockton that the best way to deal with any type of emergency is to be prepared. One of the easiest ways to be prepared is to pack a survival kit. Whether it be a snow storm, tornado or a simple power outage, a survival kit can reduce the stress and impacts of dealing with an emergency situation in the future. Your emergency survival kit should have everything you and your family would need to be safe and take care of yourselves for at least three days immediately following an emergency.

What to Put in Your Survival Kit – Essentials

Food (non-perishable and easy-to-prepare items, enough for 3 days) and a manual can opener

Bottled water (4 litres per person for each day)

Medication(s) & first aid kit

Flashlight & spare batteries

Radio (crank or battery-run)

Candles and matches/lighter

Important papers (identification, contact lists, copies of prescriptions, etc.)

Extra car keys and cash

Whistle (to attract attention, if needed)

Items for babies and small children—diapers, formula, bottles, baby food, comfort items

Pet food and supplies

Any other items specific to your family’s needs

Other Tips

Store your kit in a place that is easy to reach and where everyone in your family knows where it is.

Your water supply is meant to cover what you would drink as well as what you might need for food preparation, hygiene and dishwashing.

Check and refresh your kit twice a year—when the clocks shift to/from daylight savings time is a good time. Check all expiry dates and replace food and water with a fresh supply. Check batteries and replace as needed.

Keep your cell phone or mobile device fully charged.

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