
Dear Santa: All I Want For Christmas Is

Dear Santa, I hope all is well at the North Pole, and that global warming hasn’t destroyed the natural habitat of the Elves you enslave.

I have tried to be good this year, and I have tried to play nice with the kids at town hall. Some of them won’t play nice, and they think more about themselves, than of others. Some of them got together and wanted to pretend I was invisible, so they didn’t have to talk to me. My Mommy told me that was a rude thing for them to do, and said their Mommies did a bad job raising them. One kid at town hall even called the Mommy of a friend of mine, and tried to get him into trouble and get his allowance lowered. He still hasn’t said sorry yet. I would like you to consider adding David Riach to your Naughty List.

All the kids at town hall got mad, and now they are going to sell our trailer park as punishment. Me and about 100 friends asked them not to, but they won’t listen. They tried to do it in secret, they waved their magic wand and said “1,2,3”, and in a few seconds one night, it was over, the park would be sold, no matter what.

First I would like you to give all members of council the ability to view things objectively. Please also grant them ability to have empathy, a quality essential for a Representative.

Can you please get council to adopt items that will benefit the whole town, and as fast as they can? Maybe, even as fast as when they decided to sell the trailer park?

Our community would benefit from Block Parents and a Neighbourhood Watch program. For either of them to succeed, Council and the police would have to take a leadership role, and encourage participation of the public. If council does participate in these programs, they will help make our community safer, and will be “forced” into interacting with their constituents on a regular basis.

Irresponsible department heads, combined with little or no oversight from council, has made Wingham the highest taxed town in Canada. Lack of job descriptions and no “code of conduct” has left every North Huron employee unaccountable.

Can you get council to create and publish job descriptions for each town employee, including our Representatives on council. Council also must realize that service adjustments and “right sizing” of departments are desperately needed, to bring our tax burden under control.

If you could show Chief Poole the wisdom of posting press release on his website, it would be appreciated by all, except the criminals mentioned in them, and the ones not yet caught.

Above all, could you grant David Riach the courage to apologize to Bill Knott.

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