
Doug Ford Banned From Wingham Restaurant While Health Unit Stands Down & Revolution Takes Foothold

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has been publicly banned from Buck & Jo’s, a restaurant in the heart of Wingham, via a 12 foot banner on the building. 

Congratulations you’ve found Buck & Jo’s
Photo ID or health info NOT Required.
We do not discriminate. If you have a problem with that, keep driving.
Breakfast & lunch served all day!
Everyone welcome except segregationists, pedophiles, racists & Doug Ford.

“If Doug Ford thinks he can tell me I can’t serve my friends and family in my own restaurant, he is clearly mental. If he thinks I’m (or anyone is) going to cook him a hot meal for $5-$10 while he is trying to force us to deny service to patriots, the homeless, nursing and expecting mothers, and others without a “vax-pass”, he is more stupid than he is plump and needs to be removed from office. It’s best for all if Doug Ford steers clear from Wingham. Everyone in Ontario needs to do what the Chiefs Of Police did when Ford wanted random police stops, and stand up to Doug Ford and openly refuse to comply. Anything else is an act of cowardice.”

As you probably already know, Huron Perth Public Health has refused to enforce Doug Ford’s unconstitutional mandates at Buck & Jo’s, after a rant/post of a flag planted in the middle of a restaurant’s dining room floor went viral. To further taunt the Health Unit, a chair was also put out for HPPH with a note. “This chair is reserved for Huron Perth Public Health Officer to check vaccine passport information. If this chair is empty it means HPPH is not enforcing the vaccine passport mandate”.

90 replies on “Doug Ford Banned From Wingham Restaurant While Health Unit Stands Down & Revolution Takes Foothold”

Love it. Stand up to bullies, and the end Gods people will prevail. All these corrupt politicians will fall. No one believes their lies anymore
People are standing United and taking back their power😊☝️❤🙏

Never been there but will go out of my way to support your restaurant!!! Enough of Doug Fjord n Justin Poodeau 💩!!! Thank you!!

I am thinking of driving all the way there from St. Thomas just to give them my business!

BTW, a big frown on anyone who would actually thumbs down this article.

From Goderich, my husband and I commend your strength and courage to stand up for all our rights and freedoms. If we don’t have the right to say no to what goes into our body, then what right do any of us have left? All those that are enforcing these discriminations, crimes against humanity are violating the Nuremberg Code will be brought to justice!

Way to go. Just wish more of the restaurants here in the west would do that. Here if they don’t comply, the AHS and RCMP show up and shut them down. Frickin dirt bags.
Can the Ontario health not force this restaurant to close? If not, that is awesome news. Feed The little Porker Doug a lead diet

We stand with you Buck & Jo’s . May God give you the strength to over come this massive tranny, discrimination, segregation,bulling, fear mongering . God bless you.

Stores in Exeter will not accept Drs letters and Some Hospitals will not either- Time to stand people—IF YOU DONT STAND FOR SOMETHING YOU WILL FALL FOR ANYTHING

WE IN EXETER WILL STAND WITH WINGHAM- families fighting with each other /Divorces over this/churches closing /people fighting /Restaurants closing /people out of jobs and cant support their families /some employers THREAENING TO FIRE PEOPLE IF THE DONT GET THE JAB/-IT HAS TO STOP—THEY WANT TO RULE BY FEAR—We all see behind the Vail now and the ILLUSION OF FREEDOM is fake and we all see it- REAL FREEDOM IS WHEN WE STAND-

Fight NOW and suffer a bruising, otherwise die with the jab. Pretty easy choice. My parent’s generation fought the damned Nazis. That was a grim time. Defeat these tryrants now, and we won’t have to suffer another hitler. Wish I were near by. I’d come over and man the lines to help you fend off the stazi, SS, gestapo or whatever they call themselves.

A true Braveheart!! This is the hill we fight on. Saying NO to segregation and saying YES to free choice. We stand united and anyone who is against Buck & Jo’s stand against tyranny, I forgive you and will fight for the freedoms you have no idea you are losing.
Doug Ford, you will have to fill that big belly of your somewhere else.

Excellent, coming to you from BC. Noticed you have 1 thumbs down at the end of the comments. Clearly that one came from someone who likes, to have someone run their life. Probably had to get permission to hit the thumbs down icon. Keep it up, west coast proud of you.

thank you for standing up to this outrageous and non scientific tyranny. I have worked in the hospitals during all of this and as a nurse I can tell you its all lies! they are not telling the truth and now they want us out after working so long and so hard. thank you for standing up for our freedoms !

I am in the same predicament as you are, loosing my job because I refused the jab. It’s so good to know I am not alone!!!

This is the psychological equivalent to being one of the first lads out the gate to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-day. They are 100% correct in saying “Everyone in Ontario needs to do what the Chiefs Of Police did when Ford wanted random police stops, and stand up to Doug Ford and openly refuse to comply.”… this is the ONLY way to uphold our God-given rights as sovereign beings. God bless this restaurant for having the courage to stand up for freedoms when others simply cower and conform to government manipulation/tyranny.

Amazing! THIS IS WHAT FREEDOM LOOKS LIKE. THIS IS WHAT BEING CANADIAN IS!! It’s time to stop being such cowards and wake up and smell the tyranny. Thank you Buck & Jo’s. You’re one town over so we’ll be seeing you soon!

Never been so proud to say I was born in Wingham ON. I was raised to do unto others as you would have done to you. I walk in the light knowing the father who raised me and the almighty Father watch over me and choose not to disappoint them by judging others(especially perfectly healthy people who made their own choice for their own reason) Live by love, not fear.

Apartheid, segregation, division, racism. All promoted by our elected officials. Supposedly they work for us. The only way to stop tyranny is to push back otherwise we can be back in Germany. Stop stop stop. Thanks for showing some spunk.

I cried listening to the short video and was smiling reading this post. We are beginning to WIN. EVERYONE please stand up, take a stand for freedom and FIGHT BACK against this governmental tyranny and crimes Against humanity and against the constitution of Canada and our charter of Rights & Freedoms. 🙏♥️

My husband and I live in Hanover. We are so “VERY PROUD” of you great people in North Huron/Wingham. We hope this spreads around the rest of the area. THANK YOU, WINGHAM FOR STANDING UP!! WELL DONE!!

Just think, if everyone banded together and were on the same side we could easily overpower the government and any police who tried to stop us. We should be the ones tellin doug ford what to do not the other way around. Your either a sheep or a wolf . United we stand divided we fall.all the governement wants is us all divided and fighting amongst each other , if everyone stood up to them they have no prepared to fight and die knowing that most of us will win and live free.ask yourselves, is freedom your chikdren your family worth fighting for.or are you gonna lay down and ley doug ford fuck you with a not wearin lipstick , im not gettin fucked. Hooraa

It’s about time we are a free Canada
There’s no room in Canada whether it’s government or any other agency that has the right to take away our freedoms and our constitutional rights

Love what you guys are doing. Many of us have left it too late to deal with these criminals against humanity! If we want to keep some semblance of freedom we have to fight and resist this communistic tyranny. The chubby guy is not part of the solution people. He’s in the wrong party – he needs to head up the communist party. Stay out of the way Ford!

Good on you for also standing up against racism, because there is a lot of anti white rhetoric going around and you’re the first I’ve seen willing to stand up against that Racist ideology.

Way to stand up to the tyranny, the lies and the attempted control. I might just drive to your restaurant this weekend (from Windsor) to offer my full support.

Way to go standing up for your fellow Canadians. You are true Canadians taking a stand against the governments unethical, immoral and illegal mandates. Bravo !

My utmost respects for making a stand.
Only the uniformed, uneducated and ignorant would disagree.
We are stronger together and I stand with you. I pray your restaurant has business beyond your expectations.
Please don’t stop your going to make the change that will liberate us all.

You are true Canadian patriots. We are losing our rights and freedoms to these terrorist Marxist politicians in all three levels of governments across Canada. They must be made accountable and pay for their crimes against Canadians and crimes against humanity. These lying and fake Canadian traitorous politicians must really hate the people of Canada, Canada itself, and themselves. Why else would any politician want to do what these traitors have done to Canada and the Canadian people over the last year and a half. They must be arrested and charged and jailed. Nothing less will do. Works for me!

Ford is refusing to listen to the real truth from trusted scientists, racking up fake “cases” by using fake PCR testing of a made up virus which has yet to be isolated, causing deaths of hospitalized victims by treating them with poison in-lieu-of proven treatments, and all the while killing businesses and creating unemployment for people who get what’s going on with this injection which has Vaers documentation showing hundreds of thousands of deaths by vax. WTH Ford – I hope you are jailed for what you have done!

Hurray for Buck and Jo’s .
You guys put a Crack in their wall and now that we can get together and celebrate your win , , it’s the end of their wall . The Tyrannical left has exposed who our enemies really are . Keep up the great work and KICK ASS down there in WINGHAM AND NEIGHBOURS

Thank god for people like you standing up to our pathetic government..Who do they think they are ? They don’t give a rats ass about Canadians.. Just want to fill their pockets and control us.. Worse than any cult..
God bless you….THANK YOU

This made our day; Thanks for getting the ball rolling, God’s way;
“I will give peace in the land- you will lie down to sleep unafraid of anyone. I will rid the land of wid beasts. The sword will not go through your land. You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall before your sword. Five of you will chase a hundred and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand- your enemies will fall before your sword” . Lev 26: 6-8
Blessings, John and Maureen

We who object are not vaccine hesitant, we are vaccine knowledgeable and refuse it. Congratulations to all at Buck & Jo’s restaurant who are willing to take a stand. May your business thrive forever !

This is great. A few members of my family have or are recovering from covid. We’ve been looking for a restaurant as we don’t cook. We’ll be there every day. Thanks

Terrific Buck & Jo’s. It’s about time we take our power back and continue to serve and support each other in our community’s !! No more bullying, tyranny and suppression of our children, businesses, frontline workers, small businesses etc
We will drive 2 hours to support your business for a seat at the breakfast table Inside your restaurant!!!

Great leaders are always out of step. Stand for something or fall for everything!

Great to see Buck & Jo’s standing up and being heard. It takes courage to be the first to stand and resist Tyranny. It takes more courage to be the second to stand…but when done everyone else follows. How many in Wingham will be that “second” person?

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