
OPP Coming To Town Hall For Hall Of Shamer At 18Dec2017 Council Meeting – Public Encouraged To Attend

The Public is strongly encouraged to attend the next council meeting as the OPP will be present to explain the billing system again to council, as council tries everything in their power to stall the process. At the first OPP meeting hall of shamer trevor seip told the OPP “No Sale” on behalf of everyone in Wingham. Winghamites were not consulted, council was not consulted nor was the police board. Trevor made the unilateral/dictatorial decree to protect his and council’s “diplomatic immunity” under the corrupt Wingham police.

The OPP will be a the 18Nov2017 council meeting, largely to explain things to trevor seip again, as comprehension, logic and simple math are clearly not where he excels.

To end corruption and to be able to hold council to account, the Wingham police must be disbanded. This is not optional if you want lower taxes and to end council and staff’s current “diplomatic immunity”.

NOTE: You have the RIGHT to ask questions of council after the meeting, and you can video record without violating 30.1 of their procedural bylaw.

From the Agenda Package:

5.3 Kulvir Deol, Ontario Provincial Police – Presentation of OPP Billing Model

Redaction Service

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