(NORTH HURON, ON) – Huron County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has charged a Kenilworth resident with Prohibited Driving offences, along with other charges following a traffic stop on April 4th, 2024.
On Thursday, April 4th, just after 12:00 p.m., Huron County OPP officers conducted a traffic stop for a suspected prohibited driver on Amberley Road, just outside of Wingham, in the Township of North Huron.
The investigating officer confirmed that the male driver was prohibited from driving under the Criminal Code and was subsequently placed under arrest and taken into custody. The accused was further found to be violating a term of his probation along with two separate driving suspensions.
Wayne FERRIS, 34 years of age from Kenilworth has been charged with:
– Operation while Prohibited – (two counts),
– Fail to Comply with Probation Order.
The accused was additionally charged with two counts of Driving while under Suspension – Highway Traffic Act.
The involved vehicle was towed and impounded for 45 days.
The accused was held for a bail hearing and now has a court appearance scheduled for May 13th, 2024, at the Ontario Court of Justice – Goderich.
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