
Liberation Day, How We Got Here – WFP Thanks The Public, Wingham Cop Watch, Dwyane Evans & Foxton

Over 10 years ago Wingham Free Press was formed by a small group of individuals that were fed up with the corruption, high taxes and near zero accountability in Wingham and North Huron. After a couple candid conversations with the chief of police tim poole it was clear the plethora of horror stories regarding the Wingham police were likely true. Over the next decade countless thousands of volunteer hours were dedicated to exposing the truth, raising awareness and to “place the dominoes” to ensure our Front Line Officers would be upgraded and protected so they can serve and protect the Citizens, not councillors.

Wingham Cop Watch went above and beyond to defend our Charter of Rights 22Aug2016. Very few people will stand up to a corrupt regime, fewer will risk their personal liberty and dignity to defend others, our Community and Charter of Rights. There simply isn’t enough thank-yous to compensate them for there service to our Community. It was not known at the time how the deep the corruption went. Disbandment to remove tim poole’s influence, save money, and to upgrade/protect our Officers was the only option,

North Huron CAO Dwayne Evans should be applauded for his great work on his unbiased presentation comparing OPP to Wingham Police. This only confirmed what the Public already knew, but was the first time unbiased information was presented to the Public by Town Hall.

Sergeant Foxton of the Wingham Police should also be applauded for speaking out during the OPP costing meetings, stating that the Wingham Police wanted to disband 18 years ago but council blocked that attempt. Foxton was the first defection from the corrupt regime and in doing so stood up to archie macgowan, doug kuyvenhoven, carter, bill mcgrath and others that wanted our Community to wither and die due to high taxes and corruption.

It is not too late for you to start participating in our Community, attend council meetings, join a community watch program, volunteer at the ReStore or other worthy organization, have coffee with friend or neighbor.

Redaction Service

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