(Wingham, On) A homeless person on Josephine Street has triggered Town Hall into action, and they are now requesting that businesses sign over authority of their property to the OPP. Traditionally business/property owners would simply ask the person to leave, and call the police if they refuse or are violent. This is Wingham where Town Hall thinks their by-law enforcement officer can enter any home, business or yard without warrant or consent. They refer to it as Social Standards, a proud nod to the nazi ss which our government openly applauds.
Wingham Town Hall sent out a letter to all local businesses “suggesting” they contact the OPP and grant them perpetual permission to attend the property at any time without warrant or confirmed consent. The head of the Wingham BIA Department Dave Tiffen sent out the email, earning his spot in the Hall Of Shame.
Time is critical as the planter of flowers partially obscuring the homeless person will be removed for the season, making the problem even more visible and embarrassing for Town Hall and those that have made so much money pretending to help the homeless.
Recently over $130,000 was scammed out of our community under the pretense of helping the homeless. The reality is that the $130,000 goes into the pockets of those pretending to help, as salaries and capital improvements. The homeless are still neglected and ignored, and the few that are pretending to help only monetize their misery. That $130,000 could have actually gone to the homeless as rent, tents, sheds, down payment on a group home, or something that would make their life a little more bearable.
It should be noted that in recent months the OPP have been pushing for all citizens and businesses to register their security cameras with them, in the interest of the “public good”.
Below is a the text Town Hall Tiffin sent out for business owners to complete and send to the OPP.
“On behalf of (insert property and/or business owner here), we would like to provide the Huron County OPP with permission to act on our behalf and attend our property located at (insert address) in order to enforce all provisions of the Trespass to Property Act of Ontario. This includes the removal of unwanted parties from the property and the laying of applicable charges where necessary.”
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