Council continues to claim we don’t have money to maintain our infrastructure. Without a doubt our council is the worst management team in Ontario. If we are the highest taxed municipality in Ontario and have literally given up maintaining our infrastructure, there can be zero doubt they are the worst management team in Ontario. Imagine if these buffoons were in charge of your business or personal finances! You would likely be bankrupt in record time!
As you probably already know, trevor seip basically negotiated the Wingham police service contract. Without shame this “representative” of the People pushed this through council without getting a price for the OPP to service Wingham. We all know we are overpaying about $500,000/year for Wingham policing. You really must question the business acumen and basic math skills of someone that would choose Wingham police over the OPP. Trevor knew the OPP is a superior and cost effective service compared to the Wingham police service, yet he forced this huge financial burden on the People with no debate or shopping around.
Thanks to trevor Winghamites are forced to pay an extra $500,000/year for policing while our town literally rots, just so he can be buddies with the men with the guns. He even got them bigger and better guns because his buddies (Timmy and the Timbits) felt sad the OPP had carbine rifles and they didn’t.
So, what could we have gotten this year for the $500,000 instead of these magic Wingham Police shoulder patches trevor traded our town for?
$50,000 could have been spent to bring town hall up to fire code.
$50,000 to remove lead pipe from our water system.
$20,000 for asphalt crack sealer.
$20,000 for enough asphalt to fill every pothole in our asphalt surfaces.
$10,000/year for some bins so Winghamites can drop off tagged garbage and recyclables in town.
$10,000 for some concrete and forms to fix the leaks in the Howson Dam.
$10,000 for fire hydrant identification posts.
$5,000 for wages to keep the pool open during the summer weekends.
$2,000 for extra wages to clear ALL the sidewalks.
$1,000/year for some common sense preventative roof maintenance.
$500 for fire hydrant paint.
We could have had all that, plus put over $300,000 into our infrastructure reserves to address our D- infrastructure report card. But NO! Thanks to trevor’s business “skills” our town continues to rot.
Trevor wants to hear from you about or infrastructure, council’s priorities, pot holes, Howson Dam, councilor conduct, or the last cute thing your pet did at 519-357-7759 or [email protected] 24/7. NOTE: Dialing *67 first blocks your outgoing caller id.