
Is It Time For Blyth And East-Wawanosh To De-amalgamate From Wingham? Don’t Be The Only One Not To Have A Say!

It’s time we all admitted that the forced amalgamation of Wingham, Blyth and East-Wawanosh has been a horrific experiment that has destroyed our Communities. Neil Vincent is responsible for overseeing this last decade of toilet spiralling that has left us with rotting infrastructure, bloating staffing costs, rubber stamping Wingham police budgets, closed pool during summer weekends, blocked sidewalks and trails, leaky roofs, ever increasing fees and taxes, buildings that don’t meet fire code, Howson Dam decline, no infrastructure reserves, failed economic development department/strategy, etc. etc. etc. (seriously, that is just a partial list)

After amalgamation volunteers were fired and replaced with new hires, starting a greed spiral that has crippled our Community with a bloated staffing expense of about $5+ Million/year. They actually pay town staff over 125% of the amount raised by taxation! It only takes a few years of that to suck every last penny out of the system, no wonder they tried selling the airport, trailer park, etc.

There can be zero doubt the power was taken from the People as a result of amalgamation in 2001. After amalgamation there were three wards in North Huron (Wingham, Blyth and East-Wawanosh). This resulted in a situation where two wards could literally vote any “white elephant expense” onto the third victim ward and not have to pay for it. A prime example is the Wingham Police and the carbine rifle farce that cost us upwards of $10,000. The vast majority of council agreed they were not needed, yet voted to force the Wingham taxpayers to pay for these unnecessary toys, as their constituents wouldn’t have to pay for it, only Wingham taxpayers would be stuck with the bill.

If you think it is time to start discussing de-amalgamation please contact your member of council regularly.

North Huron Contact Info

Reeve Neil Vincent:

Phone: 519-357-2336

Email: [email protected]

Councillor Brock Vodden:

Phone: 519-523-9393

Email: [email protected]

Councillor Bill Knott:

Phone: 519-441-1546

Email: [email protected]

Councillor Yolanda Ritsema-Teeninga:

Phone: 519-357-1905

Email: [email protected]

Clerk Kathy Adams:

Phone: 519-357-3550

Email: [email protected]

Councillor James Campbell:

Phone: 519-523-9264

Email: [email protected]

Councillor Ray Hallahan:

Phone: 519-523-4798

Email: [email protected]

Councillor Trevor Seip:

Phone: 519-357-7759

Email: [email protected]

Redaction Service

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