(KINCARDINE, ON) – On January 18, 2024, at 8:58 p.m., members of the South Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were conducting R.I.D.E. on Millenium Way in Kincardine when a vehicle stopped.
Officers noted that the driver was exhibiting signs of impairment. They were placed under arrest and taken to a Qualified Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) for testing.
Justin HAVENS, 24-years-old, from the Township of Huron Kinloss was charged with Impaired Driving and Drive with Cannabis Readily Available.
The accused is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Walkerton on February 28, 2024, to answer to the charges.
An impaired driving charge includes an immediate 90-day driver’s license suspension and an immediate 7-day vehicle impoundment.
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