At last night’s council meeting disgraced police chief tim poole snuck out the back door immediately after council voted to accept the OPP costing proposal for Wingham. Chief poole was recently caught giving inaccurate information to council regarding what he would charge to police Wingham. During the OPP bashing sessions dominated by the MacClans, tim […]
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At the next North Huron police board meeting (20Mar2018) Chief Poole will explain why his cost estimate for the Wingham police was hundreds of thousands of dollars too low, in an obvious attempt to deceive council and the Public. It is clear this information was withheld from the Public intentionally to deceive, and to fulfill […]
It seems that even Tim Poole is opposed the keeping the Wingham police and is warning council if they don’t switch to OPP ASAP, they risk bankruptcy. From the Agenda Package Page 380 … I mentioned above that culprits attempted to run over our officers. In those same attempts, our cruisers were severely damaged. Each […]
In a pathetic attempt to intimidate the Public, current chief tim poole attended the Public meeting in Belgrave 14Nov2017 and sat as close to the podium as possible. This meant if you wanted to confront/question the Wingham police, you had to do it with the chief of police a foot and a half behind your […]
Today a member of the Public went to the Wingham Police station to request Public information and was rudely dressed down by current Police Chief tim poole. Chief poole claims to send free press releases to accredited media only” which actively employ an Ombudsman
Wingham police (timmy and the timbits) will be disbanded 21Feb2019 at high noon and the OPP will take over policing the Square Mile. That means if you see anyone in a Wingham police uniform after high noon 21Feb2019 call 911 immediately as they will be impersonating a police officer, many think they are already guilty […]
17Jan2018 (3:00 – 5:00 & 7:00 – 9:00) at Wingham Town Hall, current police chief tim poole will be forced to finally confront an angry Public that has been extorted for decades by the extremely high cost of policing in Wingham. This has made Wingham the highest taxed town in Ontario, likely Canada. This has […]
At the last police service board meeting (18April2017) it was disclosed that it was current Chief Tim Poole that unilaterally imposed the media blackout that has been in place since the August Atrocities of 2016. This clearly was to punish WFP supporters for standing up for their Constitutional Rights at the 22Aug2016 council meeting, as […]
High-noon 21Feb2019 the OPP will liberate Wingham from Timmy and the Timbits (Chief tim poole and his 6 pack of officers). For over a decade Wingham has been divided between those that believe the Chief of Police tim poole should be held to account for charging double what the OPP cost, body camera footage that […]
At the next police board meeting (20Mar2018) current chief of police tim poole will have to answer questions from the Public and explain why his cost estimate to police Wingham in 2018 and beyond was several hundred thousands short. We all know why he did it, and now you get to watch him squirm (live […]