Alerts WFP

Wingham Restaurant Offers $5 Off Canadian Freedom Burger To Those That Say “F🍁ck Trudeau”

Buck & Jo’s is offering $5 off their new Canadian Freedom Burger to anyone that says F🍁ck Trudeau when ordering the burger.

“We need to normalize questioning, criticizing and scrutinizing our governments. If you fear reprisals for speaking out against your government, you are not free. If the crimes of this government are still unknown to you, you need to wake up immediately. If you are still on board with a government that will trample, baton, and freeze the bank accounts of peaceful demonstrators, you need to read the warning sticker on our front door. ”  – F🍁ck Trudeau, and if you like Trudeau, F🍁ck you too! – “

 – F🍁ck Trudeau, and if you like Trudeau, F🍁ck you too! – “