Alerts WFP

Outbreak In Wingham (R10) – Steps You Need To Take ASAP To Protect Your Children & Communities

R Factor 10 means every person will likely spread it to 10 more people, an exponential growth factor unseen during even the most infectious days of Covid19.

This current outbreak is traced back to a business in Wingham, ON after some postings on FaceBook clearly showed the Owners were highly contagious. Simply sharing one of their postings or watching one of their viral videos is all it takes for it to spread, and you will likely “infect” at least 10 of your contacts in the coming days and weeks following exposure.

The most noticeable symptom seems to be a rare form of Tourettes which causes over 50% of those exposed to yell FREEDOM and/or Hold The Line.

One of the more shocking symptoms is that adult males have had their testicles descend after years of TTR (Total Testical Retraction) caused by hyper-submissiveness and being emasculated by our  so-called “government” which treats us like toddlers.

The Public’s reaction to this outbreak is similar to the old days of “chickenpox parties”, they want to get infected!

What can you do to participate in this outbreak of Freedom?? 

  1. Acknowledge that “just following orders” is never an excuse to trespass or violate someone’s rights.
  2. Never share your private health information again, especially vaccine status.
  3. Realize “town halls” can’t micromanage your life, and that you are an adult and can make your own decisions.
  4. Question everyone that claims to have authority over you, and stand your ground if they refuse to answer.
  5. Don’t fear your government, your government should fear you.

It turns out the only thing infectious in Wingham is their attitude.