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Belgrave Community Centre Saved After Comical Coercion & Incompetence Of “F*ck-up Falconer”

Belgrave Community Centre has been saved after council unanimously voted for “status-quo” giving it one more year of life.

Blyth is now at risk of losing all its facilities after Kevin Fascist Falconer attempt to  coerce Belgrave councilors into voting to save Blyth facilities spectacularly backfired. 

You must see the video below to see how he attempted to pressure councillors, voted to save the Belgrave Community Center, then attempted to make a motion and was shot down by staff, proving that even after 4 years in office Falconer doesn’t have a clue on how to do the very basics of his job. Try not to laugh when he realizes they won’t let him make a motion.