Owen Sound Police Police Press Releases Uncategorized

Owen Sound Police On Bicycle Chase Down Repeat Offender With BB Gun – Name Withheld By Police #Catch&Release

On Sunday March 10, 2024 just prior to 7:00 p.m. Owen Sound Police received a report of a suspicious man pointing a firearm at a person in the area of 13 th Street West and 4 th Avenue West in Owen Sound.

Officers attended the area and located the suspect who immediately attempted to flee on his decrepit mountain bike. Officers gave chase and the suspect soon encountered a series of tall wooden fences leaving him with little choice but to discard his bike and continue his escape by
jumping over the fences.

A veteran officer passed on the opportunity to scale the fences in pursuit of the suspect, instead electing to utilize the suspect’s newly abandoned bike to assist him in the chase. The officer rode the suspects bike several hundred feet, eventually catching and arrested him in the parking
lot of a nearby apartment building.

Upon arrest, the suspect was found in possession of a realistic looking BB pistol and a hunting knife which, the investigation determined, he had previously used to threaten someone.

The 22- year-old man, who was already on bail for an assault charge, was additionally charged with Pointing a Firearm, Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose and Breach of a Release Order.

The accused remains in custody awaiting a bail hearing.

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