
ALERT: HOS Neil Vincent To Address Public With Activity” Report 23Jan2017″

At the upcoming 23Jan meeting, Hall of Shamer Neil Vincent will deliver his “Reeve Activity Report” to update the Public on what he has done to our Community in the past weeks. Even though you are a member of the Public that pays council’s salaries, expenses and pay for the building they are meeting in, you will NOT be allowed to ask questions, offer input, take a camera or video and/or audio record the meeting. Hall of Shamer Neil Vincent has done this in the name of “transparency”. Even a child knows this was done to quash possible dissent as part of Hall of Shamer Neil Vincent’s personal vendetta against those the dare seek, speak or record the truth.

The 23Jan2017 Agenda Package has been released. The Public is allowed to attend this meeting, unlike the clandestine meeting(s) held by his regime earlier this week which the Public was not supposed to attend or be aware of.

If you attend or watch the meeting, HOS Neil Vincent may explain the recent oil spills in Wingham, what happened to the charging station and who has to pay to fix it, status of Howson Dam, if they will open the pool in the summer, why continues to force our children to walk in traffic to get to school, etc. etc.

Date: 23Jan2017

Time: 7:00pm

Location: Wingham Town Hall

Broadcast Via YouTube, video stream to be posted on WFP night of meeting.

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