
13% North Huron Tax Increase Not Allowed To Be Questioned – Wingham Police Want Another New Cruiser

This was the first North Huron budget meeting (08Feb) where the Public and Press were barred from asking any questions. This is a result of the “Great Silencing”, headed by bill ‘ss’ knott, where the Public and Press were stripped of their rights to question and communicate with their Representatives. If/When this increase goes through, taxes on a $225,000 home would be over $5,000/year!

Now we know why bill ‘ss’ knott ordered council to push through banning questioning North Huron council before the budget meetings started. They want to rubber stamp the budget same as every year, and ignore all our infrastructure issues. If they do jump taxes the 13%, it still would NOT address our massive infrastructure deficit.

Wingham Police apparently wore out another police cruiser patrolling the one square mile of Wingham, and now they want to spend $39,000 on a new police cruiser. “Magic Beans” trevor seip smugly proclaimed his Wingham cop buddies have two more years left on their contract, and that they have had no contact with the OPP regarding pricing. Well, that turns out to be WRONG. More information will be released at the next council meeting. Councillor trevor seip doesn’t want the OPP price released, because it will show exactly how much we have been overpaying for policing on trevor’s biased advice.

North Huron councillor trevor seip pushed through the Wingham police contract, and made zero effort to get a price from the OPP, despite it being common knowledge that the OPP are typically charge $350/home while the Wingham police cost about $700/home.

North Huron Council Contact Info:

neil vincent: 519-357-2336

bill ‘ss’ knott: 519-523-4534

james campbell: 519-523-9264

brock vodden: 519-523-9393

ray hallahan: 519-523-4798

trevor seip: 519-357-7759

yolanda ritsema-teeninga: 519-357-1905

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