
Wingham Trailer Park Shovel & Shut Up Cover-up Exposed – Tempers Flare At Council Meeting

Tempers flared at last night’s council meeting as two more Heroes stood their ground exposing corruption, further deepening the real estate scandals. 

A month ago sources indicated that taxpayers would be forced to pay for cleanup on the Wingham Trailer Park that was stolen from the People. 

NOTE: The trailer park was stolen from the People by those with connections to the former Reeve and Deputy Reeve, that’s why they had to constantly recuse themselves at meetings every time the trailer park came up.

You must watch the video below for details, as you really need to see for yourself what it takes to defend a Community. Follow their lead, and attend the special budget meeting Monday 27 March, 6pm at Wingham Town Hall.

Watch the video below, you only need to see about 3-4 minutes.

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