Hours after the story of a victim of OPP abuse went viral online, an OPP cruiser was caught on video driving past the victim’s home by circling the block countlessly. This stalking behavior is typical of obsessed psychopaths that are aroused by the fear in the eyes of their victims.
Minutes after our hero leaves in his vehicle he is pulled over by an OPP officer without a face mask. Our hero made sure his doors were locked and rolled his window down 2 inches, enough to communicate with the officer and pass through a driver’s licence and proof of insurance. This seemed to upset the naked faced officer as he repeatedly requested the victim to roll down his window.
Naked faced officer: “Can you roll your window down please”
Victim: “It’s good there, I can hear you”.
Naked faced officer: “Can you roll your window down please”
Victim: “I can hear you”
The officer which seemed to be suffering from short term memory loss had to ask our victim why he pulled him over. This might have been due to brain-fog from covid as the officer was clearly an anti-masker showing no respect for covid restrictions. Another well known cause of short term memory loss is cannabis consumption. The officer did ask if our hero had any cannabis in the vehicle.
3 replies on “Stalker OPP At Large – Victim Pulled Over Hours After Video Exposing Police Corruption Goes Viral #FilmThePolice #FTP”
Who are the police officers? Names?
Yes I agree we the people pay the wages of these public servant and we the public are tired of this double standard,if I break the law my name goes public now enuff is enuff what are the names
Are you serious lmao this is the funniest thing I read all day that poor “hero” lol