Alerts WFP

Repeat Offender Openly Threatens Public With Trespass & Theft

(North Huron, ON) In a series of recent emails, current North Huron CAO Dwayne Evans repeatedly stated their corporation’s by-laws only apply to land owned by the corporation, not private property.

At the 21May2024 council meeting, repeat offender and current North Huron Reeve paul heffer disagreed with the CAO’s legal advice, and openly admitted he will break the law and order staff to trespass and to seize property. 

Current by-law enforcement is refusing to violate the rights of taxpayers and therefore is being replaced with a private for-profit firm that will allegedly just follow orders and do as commanded by council.

Next Council meeting is 03June2024, 6pm.

Council Chambers is now at the old Public School:,-81.3087138,3a,75y,110.01h,83.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sD3uE9QNQ_y-aOWk3_aO3Sw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu

North Huron Council Contact Info:
Paul Heffer

280 Manor Road
(519) 357-3594
[email protected] 
Mitch Wright
63 Bristol Terrace
(519) 357-9497
[email protected] 
Lonnie Whitfield
94 John St. West
(226) 222-2585 
[email protected] 
Anita van Hittersum
84012 Hoover Line
(519) 523-4492 
[email protected]
Chris Palmer
39331 Belfast Road
(519) 357-3385 
[email protected] 
Kevin Fascist  Falconer
303 King Street
(519) 955-0301 
[email protected]
Ric McBurney
202 Thuell St, Blyth
(519) 441-7415 
[email protected]

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