Alerts WFP

Officer Christopher Boyes Added To Hall Of Shame – Do Not Approach, Video Record On Sight!

The only options seem to be perjury, incompetence or illiteracy.

The transcripts have been reviewed from a trial where Christopher Boyes, an inspector for Huron Perth Public Health, testified. Fortunately his actions were previously caught on videos that went viral.

Christopher Boyes of HPPH was asked by Gregory Stewart (who is notorious for his work with Wingham Town Hall.) Stewart is the chief persecutor of Buck & Jo’s, a tiny restaurant in Wingham, On.

Gregory Stewart. You described Mr. Hill as having a mask on. Can you describe the mask?

Christopher Boyes:  Yeah. It had some profanity on it. I’d rather, I’d prefer not to say. That, just saying that — like speaking against the police.

WFP has a copy of the mask in question, the videos, news footage, and court transcripts. Mr. Boyes is referencing the campaign to get police to wear body cameras, and to get them to use them. This Film The Police campaign has raised awareness for the need for the body cameras for officer safety and accuracy. “Film The Police – If the police won’t wear body cameras, we will”.

There was/is no profanity on the mask.

Most of you remember the local case where the police were caught fabricating their testimony, and then trying to delete the evidence that was caught on video.  This was a major catalyst for Film The Police.

Huron Perth Public Health inspector Christopher Boyes clearly lied about what was on the mask, or is unable to do the very basics of his job of “observe and report” and didn’t read the mask, or couldn’t read the mask. 

The only options seem to be perjury, incompetence or illiteracy.

All restaurants and business in Huron Perth are being warned to video record all interactions with those proclaiming to work for Huron Perth Public Health, until such a time it can be proven there is some accountability when they do commit perjury.

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