North Huron CAO Dwayne Evans claims council is preventing town staff from inspecting North Huron’s assets. This has led to our crumbling infrastructure, injured pedestrians, potholes, chronic parking violations, and piles of garbage in “works” yards owned by the Corporation of North Huron.
Numerous property standards complaints have been made and ignored regarding North Huron’s property not being maintained to the standards as prescribed by their own corporate by-laws.
Council’s refusal to let by-law enforcement do the job they were hired to do, which is to make sure North Huron’s assets are maintained and not abused, has cost millions in decay. Most of this neglected real estate is then sold in secret backroom deals for pennies on the dollar to a councilor or a close family member.
It has been well documented over the last 12+ years that NH town staff abjectly refused to enforce by-laws on North Huron’s property, or act on any complaints regarding North Huron’s property.
By-law enforcement officer(s) are claiming council has directed them to only target private citizens, a criminal offense if/when proven to be true.
One reply on “North Huron CAO Dwayne Evans Outs Council – Claims Staff Ordered Not To Do Job”
YUP SOUNDS LIKE A HITLER REGIME—-do unto others and hold them to the fire –ITS CALLED RE-DIRECTION PEOPLE—-Politics will do this everytime——FOLLOW THE MONEY —ITS ALL ABOUT T HE MONEY and the few who hve it will make the rules–