OPP Ottawa Police Press Releases

Mahad ABDULLAHI Was Arrested

(OTTAWA, ON) – Members of the Ottawa Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have laid Impaired Driving related charges against an individual from Ottawa.

Shortly before 1:00 a.m. on February 2, a vehicle approached officers who were conducting a RIDE check on Nicholas Street. Officers suspected the driver had been consuming alcohol. The driver, who was already a suspended driver with a G2 licence, refused to provide a roadside breath sample.

As a result, Mahad ABDULLAHI, 31 years of age faces the following charges:

  • Failure or Refusal to Comply with Demand
  • Driving While Under Suspension
  • Driving Motor Vehicle with Open Container of Liquor
  • Novice Driver – B.A.C Above Zero
  • Novice Driver Refuse to Provide Breath Sample

Abdullahi was issued a 90-day driving suspension and his vehicle was impounded for seven days. Abdullahi is scheduled to appear in Provincial Court at a later date.

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