Caledon OPP Police Press Releases

Iqbal SINGH Was Arrested Again

(CALEDON, ON) – Officers from the Caledon Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have charged a driver with impaired operation.

On June 20, 2024, shortly after 2:30 a.m., Caledon OPP responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle on Plummer Road, near Station Road, in the Town of Caledon. Officers attended and met with the driver. During the investigation, grounds were formed that the driver’s ability to operation a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol and was subsequently arrested.

Iqbal SINGH, 51, of Brampton, was charged with:

• Operation while impaired – alcohol

• Operation while prohibited under the Criminal Code

• Failure to comply with release order

• Failure or refusing to comply with demand

The accused is scheduled to attend the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville on July 11, 2024, to answer to the charges. The vehicle was impounded for a period of 45 days.

Simply put, the best way to avoid impaired driving is to not take a chance. Plan another way home:

• Have a designated driver

• Use public transit

• Call a friend or family member for a ride

• Call a taxi or ride share

• Stay overnight

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